We guarantee authenticity or your money back. All items are carefully authenticated and inspected before posting on our website. Please ensure an item you want to consign is indeed authentic as you will be liable for all shipping fees if we have to ship it back.
We accept all Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express cards. You can also purchase using Paypal if you have an account. Wire & Bank transfers are also available.
Most items can also be picked up in NYC. Please call or email us to set that up. Cash Only for pick up items.
There are no refunds or exchanges on items. All pictures on the website show details images and will show any wear if applicable. Please make sure of your size ( US size and euro size) before processing an order. There are no cancellation at all once order is placed. If item has not shipped we will offer you a site credit. If an item does not fit because of size, we will be able to resell it for you in exchange for a different item.
We take pride in providing the best customer service. Please do not hesitate to call or email us if there are any delivery issues. We will take care of any problems regarding delivering, condition of an item or order update.