Originated December 2013, Lsc Inc is an online consignment and personal shopping company. Founder and CEO Lynda D wanted to create a one stop shop for fashion lovers who loves to enjoy shopping for Luxury items. We know that shopping for pre-owned luxury items isn’t easy and nothing will ruin your day faster than finding out that the handbag you bought on a website turns out to be a replica. Authenticity is the cornerstone . We staff in-house professionals and apparel experts that ensure every item sold is 100% authentic and in excellent condition.
All items are put through a multi-point, brand-specific authentication process by a team of luxury experts headed by our Director of Authentication & Brand Compliance. We inspect all goods for appropriate brand markings, date codes, serial tags and hologram stickers. Everything passes through our strict authenticity tests before it is released into daily sales.
NOTE: Luxurysnob does not accept fake or counterfeit merchandise of any kind. If we suspect that a submitted consignment is inauthentic we will contact the consignor for proof of purchase. Counterfeit items discovered will be destroyed and not returned to the consignor, as federal law prohibits these items to be mailed. All items are Guaranteed 100% Authentic or your full money back. All items are reviewed carefully and if there is something suspicious additional information will be requested!
One of our key goals is creating the Ultimate client experience. Our goal is to provide our clients items that are high in demand by supplying them with some of the best pieces in the preowned industry at the best prices. Thanks for your continued support and make sure to catch all the great amazing deals!